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Achieving commitment on your team

To address issues of commitment on a team, you must first identify reasons for a lack of commitment and take these steps.
5 min read

You can have a team of talented, creative, visionary workhorses and still find it’s not performing. Within that group could reside an underminer, someone who is actively working against the group’s goals. It might be because the person is threatened by the possible success of the group, fears a loss of power or resources, doesn’t trust the leader, holds conflicting values, or any number of reasons.


Kristeen Bullwinkle

Steeped in Everything DiSC since 2010. Strongly inclined CD style. Leadership style and EQ mindset: resolute. Believes strongly in the serial comma.

Certifications from Wiley:
Everything DiSC, The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team

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