Our groups can have styles just as individuals can. Of course, they are also a blend of styles, but one style might dominate. That one style might be shaped by the group leadership, the group’s purpose, the group’s history, or the styles of the group members.
Although not everybody might agree with or feel comfortable in the culture, most group members feel the pressure that a culture exerts to act in a certain way. DiSC® does not address all elements of culture, but it helps you understand many important priorities, needs, goals, fears, emotions, and behaviors within your culture.
The D culture rewards
- independence
- decisiveness
- directness
- victory
- results
The D culture criticizes
- oversensitivity
- hesitation
- overanalysis
- foot-dragging
- weakness
Advantages of the D culture
- offers a dynamic and engaging environment
- makes decisions without wasting time
- drives toward results
- provides opportunities to prove oneself
- rewards determination and persistence
- continually pushes for new accomplishments
- encourages innovation
- gives straightforward feedback
Drawbacks of the D culture
- leads to tension and burnout
- fails to spend time on thorough analysis
- overwhelms those who are less aggressive
- creates power struggles that lead to poor decisions
- takes too many risks
- overemphasizes status
- discourages teamwork because of competitiveness
- provides feedback without considering feelings
The D culture can struggle with high turnover and a stressful environment. Can you see why? Can you suggest ways to make it more successful?
Download The “Get it done” team poster (PDF)
Learn more
A group report is available for the Everything DiSC® Workplace, Agile EQ, Productive Conflict, Management, and Sales profiles.